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Paolo Sironi

Paolo Sironi is the global research leader in banking and financial markets at IBM, the Institute for Business Value. He is a former start-up entrepreneur who started his career as quantitative risk manager in investment banking. Paolo is one of the most respected fintech voices worldwide, hosting the international podcast “The Bankers’ Bookshelf”. He is bestselling author about quantitative finance, banking and fintech innovation. His latest “Banks and Fintech on Platform Economies” is Amazon bestseller in banking books.

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Global Research Leader, Banking at IBM

In his new book, Banks and Fintech on Platform Economies: Contextual and Conscious Banking, Paolo Sironi delivers an insightful examination of how platform theory, born outside of financial services, will make its way inside banking and financial markets to radically transform the way firms do business.


You’ll learn why banks and fintech must master the necessary shift of focus from selling business outputs to selling client outcomes. You’ll also discover how financial services are steering towards new forms of digital transformation underpinned by Contextual Banking and Conscious Banking platform strategies that will benefit stakeholders of all kinds.

Perfect for CEOs, regulators, fintech entrepreneurs, wealth managers, researchers and professionals working at technology companies, "Banks and Fintech on Platform Economies" has already earned a place in the libraries of bankers seeking a firm grasp of the rapidly evolving outcome economy, and a view about the future of financial services.

Banks and Fintech on Platform Economies

BANKS AND FINTECH ON PLATFORM ECONOMIES Contextual and Conscious Banking.jpeg

Discover the future of financial services with this insightful new resource on Contextual and Conscious Banking. This important book, describes the shift in mindset necessary to help banks strengthen and extend the reach of their Banking-as-a-Service and Banking-as-a-Platform operations.

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